Blood drive Tuesday

Blood drive Tuesday

It’s that time of year again. It’s time to save lives. Everytime you give blood you are saving three lives. The next blood drive is Tuesday, February 25, starting at 8:00. You can sign up for the blood drive by getting a form from medical occupations teacher Angie Parish.

In order to give blood you must weigh 110 pounds, be healthy on donation day, be at least 16 years old (with parent permission), and have a photo ID. On the day of the blood drive be sure to drink lots of water, minimize caffeine, eat two good meals, get 8 hours of sleep, and have a consent form signed.

During the blood drive you must have your photo ID present or you won’t be able to donate. You will have to verify information, take a questionnaire and have a mini physical before the blood donation process. After your donation you will eat a snack, drink some water and relax for awhile.

For more information contact Angie Parish at [email protected] or go to